Amongst the layers of antenna protection, the struggle is real trying to protect the hexbeam from the native parrots. It might be a great perfoming antenna though it will play second fiddle to an upcoming full aluminum tribander. I have opted to replace the hexbeam with a full size tribander from TET Emtron called the HB35C. If you would like to know more about the HB35C antenna:
“HB35C is a full size tri-bander, efficiently utilising the DUAL DRIVE HB9CV system with “PHASE TUNED” VK2AOU multi band system.”
The HB35C was designed
Ive enjoyed the hexbeam and enjoyed its performance for some time. It was purchased from K4KIO, an american operator commercially building these units. The K4KIO Hexbeam arrived with elements premade using TheWireman wire. Unsure what attracted the cockatoos to the wire itself but they chewed through it pretty much everyday.